October could quite possibly be my favorite month of the year. Everything to the weather to watching some pigskin on TV is really enjoyable to me. What makes you happy?
Nice weather, fishing and football can provide me some happiness (a lot of it!) but it cannot produce joy. Joy is not an event, it is an inward experience that can only be found through a relationship with Jesus. I may lose some of you there but it really is true. Joy can not be purchased – happiness can. If my wife purchased me a new boat (yeah right…) it could provide me some happiness. It may be temporary happiness but none the less, happiness. Joy can not be found in the form of a present nor can it be found by a nice gesture given to you. Joy comes in knowing that when the game of life is over, God has me taken care of – not anything I did to deserve that. That my friend is what Joy is. I always like to say J.O.Y. (Jesus first, Others second, yourself last).
Enjoy what makes you happy but live for what brings you JOY – Jesus!