REVIVAL TIME! We are anticipating a great Revival (March 23 – 26) this month at Oakland. Hopefully, you and your loved ones will be able to come and be a part of each of these services. In the past 500 years, there have been millions of lives positively affected for the cause of Christ through Revival ministries. We are praying that many more lives will be touched this month through our Revival. Oakland is very fortunate to have Pastor Alan Brumback as our evangelist; each of us will be tremendously blessed through his ministry. Everyone is encouraged to invite family, friends and co-workers to each of our Revival services.
Oakland, Spring has finally arrived! The changing of the season is a welcome to each of us. This is a great time to renew our commitments to the Lord and His church. Come and see how the Lord wants to bless you and use you for His work and purpose. Let s submit to the Lord and His will rather than ours! Blessings to you Oakland Baptist Church; you are loved!
Pastor Tim