Let’s pray that all of the OBC kiddos will have a fantastic school year (inside and outside of the classroom!). Typically, the Fall is a great time to see some new faces floating around our church. Hopefully, all of our new guests will feel welcomed by many Godly people throughout our church campus. I encourage all of our adults to be a great cheerleader for our children and youth ministry workers. Fall is a very busy time of year for these workers and we are very fortunate to have many committed folks to help us out in these areas of ministry. Any church that has a weak or non-existent children or youth ministry is probably not a church that is in a state of growth. We need to do all we can do to continue fanning into flame these ministries. It excites me to know that we have more than 100 kids & youth floating around the church each week. Oakland, we are very blessed! To all of you workers, thanks for loving our kids and teaching them about the goodness of God. I pray as you give, you would receive many blessings from the Lord; thank you!
Pastor Tim